On behalf of the Officers and Members, we cordially invite visiting
Elks to join us at our regular meetings at 6:00 pm. Meetings are held at the Lodge on the 2nd Monday of each month.
February, March and April meetings are held 2nd and 4th Monday.
Exalted Ruler - Joseph Winschel
Esteemed Leading Knight - Martha Binette
Esteemed Loyal Knight - Paul Poore
Esteemed Lecturing Knight - vacant
Esquire - Stephanie Ingraham
Inner Guard –
Chaplain – Barbara Spiller
Tiler – Sandy Smith
Soloist - Robert Pomerleau
Secretary - Victoria Doughty
Treasurer - Charleen Durgin
Trustee (1 yr) - Roger Jones
Trustee (2 yrs) - Tim Smith
Trustee (3 yrs) - Kim Toppi
Trustee (4 yrs) - Gary Rairdon
Trustee (5 yrs) - Joan Harmon
Americanism & Community Welfare – Beth Milton
Youth Activities – Bruce Jordan
Membership & Lapsation – open
Candidate Investigation – Open Office
Elks Memorial Day – Martha Binette, ER
General Manager – Kim McDonough
Lodge Activities – Kim Toppi
Hoop Shoot – Joe Winschel
House Committee - Joan Harmon
Scholarship Committee – Brenda Berry
Ritual – Training Officer – Kristie Durgin, PER
Indoctrination & Standing Relief – Kristie Durgin, PER
Veterans Services – Willie Goodman
Newsletter Editor – Kim Toppi
Bingo Chair – Paul Poore
Cyber Assistant - Lou Leary